
  • Stay Positive

    One of the questions we get asked most is what crystal is best to help with overthinking, negativity and a wandering mind. While we as humans can ...
  • Botswana Agate And Why We Love It

    Botswana Agate

    The perfect modern day amulet to bring you courage, strength and confidence.

  • Crystal Skulls

    Crystal Skulls

    "Skulls are a representation of that which is you as your higher self."

    The history and origin of skull shaped crystals.

  • Crystals for beginners

    Why crystals?

    "Having crystals in your space can raise your vibrations, absorb and neutralize toxic energy, help manifest your intentions and remind you of your self worth."


  • Golden Healer - The Master Healer

    Golden Healer

    "The Master Healer"

    It's easy to get lost gazing into the depth of this perfectly imperfect crystal.


  • Let's Talk Self-Love..

    Self Love

    Take care of you, take care of your space and love thyself.