Crystals for beginners

How do crystals work?

Everything around us has vibrational energy. Ever walked into a place and got a ‘bad vibe’, where just being in that space made you feel uncomfortable or uneasy? What about being somewhere or with someone who made you feel positive, excited or happy? That is the vibrational energy we are referring to. It’s that feeling, that energy, that vibe that changes your mood and affects your spirit.
Crystals radiate vibrations and energy, and different types of crystals will radiate different types of vibrations and energy. Quartz alone is one of the most abundant minerals and make up about 12% of the earth’s crust. Ever wondered why watches have a quartz crystal? It’s because quartz has a steady and precise frequency which helps to regulate the movement of a watch or clock making timepieces extremely accurate.
So why not use this energy in other ways? Having crystals in your space can raise your vibrations, absorb and neutralize toxic energy, help manifest your intentions and remind you of your self worth.


How do I choose a crystal?

In all honesty, this is the easy part because the crystal chooses you. Crystals will find their way into your life as you need it. For example, rose quartz is well known for providing the energy of universal love, unconditional love and self-love with its calming pink tones. Been eyeing off that rose quartz generator? It’s probably because your subconscious is telling you that you’re in need of a good self-love reminder that rose quartz can give you.


How do I use my crystal?

Once you have your crystal, set your intentions. This doesn’t have to be some extravagant ritual with candles, chanting and a full moon. It could be as simple as closing your eyes and letting your crystal know exactly what you need help with.
Once your intentions are set, place your crystal wherever you think you need it the most, on your bedside table, front entrance, coffee table, work desk, or for smaller crystals - in your pocket. That’s the good thing about crystals, you can place them anywhere!
Setting intentions is a powerful exercise. All goals start with an intention, your crystal is just a tool to help set your path, manifest your dream and guide you on your journey.
In saying this, there really is no right or wrong way to ‘use’ a crystal. Everyone uses crystals differently, if all you want to do is place it on your bookshelf to display because it works with your decor, great, that means your crystal is doing its job for you and your crystal journey.


Cleansing and recharging your crystals

Even though we cleanse all your crystals before they go to their new homes, we recommend that you also cleanse your crystals when you first receive them. This will help provide a clean slate for setting your intentions, plus you don’t know what kind of energy your crystal may have picked up on its journey to you.
To cleanse or recharge your crystals you can:
Use white sage or palo santo smoke by burning either near or around your crystals (always be cautious when burning sage and palo santo, never leave unattended and always use an appropriate fire safe dish or vessel).
Put your crystals outside overnight during a full moon or on your window sill (just make sure the moonlight is touching them).
Place them directly on the earth for a few hours to help reconnect with its origins.
There’s no right or wrong time to cleanse crystals. Some people do it every full moon and some just do it when they remember. If your crystals are looking dull or feeling a bit blah, then maybe it’s time for a cleanse. Be guided by your crystal and they will let you know.